Apparently our existence just is justified if "We are somebody in the life" and that "somebody" imply study a career. I believe that one of the first questions that we do as society is: What do you want be when be adult? Why? Please! We allow that the children grown in peace. I am sure that be things more interesting and important for ask.

That said, when I was a little girl wished be a singer and I studied choral sing in the school. And I remember that one times I won the third place in festival of the voice. But, my mom don't liked how I singed, so I decided set aside that dream.

When I grown a little more and my personality began to emerge I wanted be lawyer because I wanted do a world more fair for all people. And that I did, I studied law for two years, I was sure that law was the career of me, for this reason I don't applied to other career.

In my third semester I began to feel very sad and alone (I was not alone). I began to miss to the classes because I wasn't happy in that environment, the law is very cold and anything that not be rational is devalued.

I decided abandon the career for healing my depression, I took one year. When I felt better, I had that begin to looking for a new career. I thought in psychology, yes that was my plan. But the numbers don't was to my favor. So What I did? I took my points and I checked what career of area humanist I canned study. In that moment been that appeared the curriculum of the career of public administration and I felt that the curriculum was like me.

And ready! Now I study public administration in the University of Chile. I had very luck with my teachers and my friends. I be very happy studying here because I now have the opportunity of practice all the learn in law and in my year free, don't had easy but I am very proud of me.

Where I want work in the future? Honestly I don't like think in the future, I prefer focus in the present because is the only I have, so I try of enjoy to the fullest of him

PS: what I said about that we must leave of the children in peace, also is useful for all the stages of our lives


  1. Hi, you are really beautifull and this is te best blog of the all universe. I love you my love and i miss you u.u

  2. I love your post. Personally through everything you say I always learn a lot thanks to you. Have a nice present. love u <3


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