Freedom on wheels

Today I will talk about how wonderful the bicycle is.
The bicycle is a vehicle widely used by humans due to its simplicity and versatility. This two-wheeled vehicle can be used for sports, transportation or fun and is self-sustaining, because to ride a bicycle you do not need more energy than the strength of your legs. This beautiful vehicle will not make you spend money on fuel or taxes to move through the streets and does not pollute its environment. Riding a bicycle is an act of independence in itself, since you only depend on yourself to move through the streets, so it is not in the government's interest for citizens to use the bicycle as a means of transport.
nowadays, in santiago de chile, the use of the bicycle has not been exempt from controversy. Cyclists are tired of having to share the road with cars, trucks and buses that are driven by irresponsible drivers and without respect for the lives of others. This is why we have taken to the streets in various demonstrations to demand, at a minimum, bicycle lanes that allow people to travel on them efficiently and safely. However, our requests have been in vain, since the government does not take effective measures to help cyclists in the practice.
move by bicycle, do not pollute and up those who fight! says goodbye, catalina avila.


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