Las interesantes historias detras de 7 famosas fotos 7

"i never think of the future it comes soon enough"

This photo was taken by Arthur Sasse, a United States photographer for United Press International (UPI) in 1951. In the photo, you can see the famous scientist Albert Einstein, coming out of his birthday celebration, sticking out his tongue in a fun way and carefree. It is said that Albert Einstein liked this photo so much that he asked the agency for several copies for himself, to have them as a good memory for the future. I like this photo because when i saw it for the first time, it caught my attention to see that such a famous and recognized scientist made such a face in front of a camera. it was strange, because I always believed that a scientist had to be someone extremely serious and correct and just dedicate himself to his work, however, this photo destroyed that image in my head.

For me, this image, like many others, represents the great difference between what should be and what is really.Seeing Albert einstein as such a carefree and fun being, i realized that nothing is written in this world and that any type of person can dedicate himself to anything, we are free to choose! I always believed that each type of person was destined for something by being that kind of person. For example, i believed that someone very intelligent had to be in college or that someone very strong and athletic had to do sports or physical effort or that someone serious and correct was necessarily a scientist or someone intelligent, but that is not the case! appearances deceive friends.The most important thing in this life is to get prejudices out of ourheads in order to see reality more clearly and without deception, that way we will all be happier.

Alber Einstein was very intelligent an famous, however, if you ran into him walking down the street or sitting in a square, you would never have trought that he was the most brilliant man on the planet. This character from history teach us, in addition to his baeutiful theories of the universe, that humility is the most important thing and the photo i chose portrays this teaching perfectly.


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