Frederick winslow taylor...

Was an american economist and industrial engineer, who is considered the fhater of scientific administration, a forerunner of industrial engineering and recognized for having promoted the scientific organization of work.
He was born on march 20, 1856 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA and died in the same city on March 21, 1915 of pneumonia being 59 years old.

Career achievements 
1-.Contributions to the administration:
  • -Study of movements in the field of doing
  • -tool standardization
  • -Sales planing department
  • -Principle of administration by exception
  • -Teaching cards for proletarians
  • -Calculation rules for cutting metal and steel
  • -Cost determination methods
  • -Selection of employees by tasks
  • -Incentives if the work is completed on time.

2-.Taylor´s principles of management functions:
  • -Develop a science for the execution of each of the work operations, wich replaces the old empirical model.
  • -Scientifically select and train workers, while in the past each worker chose their own job and learned for themselves how they could improve.
  • -Collaborate cordially with workers to ensure that work is done in accordance with the principles of science that has been developed.
  • -Work and responsibility are shared almost equally betwen management and workers.

why did i choose this person?
I chose taylor because he changed the way of seeing an organization, ordering it and defining tasks in a smarter way than in the past. Thanks to taylor, the world is like this.


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